Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Not in the best shape...(LITERALLY)

Well that can be taken many ways I suppose..but lately I've been having very bad luck. First I sprained my wrist, still not sure how I did that. I can tell you I was in a pretty good amount of pain the first few days now I am slowly getting better, or getting used to it. Next, I get some sort of flu (not sure yet) that is giving me a good amount of abdominal pain, along with other not-so-fun things I really cant mention here (wouldn't want to gross anyone out). Then today on top of all that, I was cooking lunch for Andrew (my boyfriend) and burned the eff out of my hand. So there it is. That's how my last week has been. With this "flu" type thing, I haven't been able to get to my gym so instead of just not doing anything I have been on my treadmill every day, which helps. Still on my healthy eating kick. Trying to eat as much fruit as I can, which has been going well. I am proud that despite all of my bad luck, I am able to stay on track and do anything I am able to without giving up completely. Its shown me that I have come a long much needed way lol. So since I was unable to get weighed this past Monday, I will be at the gym tomorrow and give an update on if I have lost or gained (hopefully lost). We will see! Later!

1 comment:

  1. Looking back at it now, this was a poor excuse not to workout but I guess this blog is going to be about truths and when I fail, everyone will know and when I succeed everyone will know!!! I am not going to sugar coat anything!


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